Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

united states of whatever...

pepsi cola is like heroin to me. if im going to be bombarded with people who infuriate me and If im going to have to turn the other cheek...only to rise up and be tripped..then I think ive earned it. pepsi cola.oh.yes.pepsi cola. yes. yes. I drank plenty of water today.

cuz this my united states of whatever.


I talked to my mom for three hours the other night. she's not having the best time that is certain...but it was kind of nice to talk to her again. I need to keep in touch with her better. once a month is all she asks. thats not too it?

"when you have children of your own...."

I hate the word Kid. Ive used it. Ive said Kids before. But I like the words...child and children better. they sound prettier.

I met a really tall guy today. when am i going to get the courage to ask someone out? when I am not ashamed to say that Im 30 not living entirely alone and I sell clothes. thats when. Im just too ashamed of my life. how could anyone see the benefit of being with me? blah blah blah I talk alot...when will I do alot?

Im nice. thats about all I have going for me. so. until I figure out how to save the world and impress a guy that will have to do.

"cuz this is my united states of whatever"

enough of my bad vibes....

I Love You


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