Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Boom Sonic Stars Explode and The Day Goes Gray like Me

sonic booms. two.

dreams of JL. every night. only they arent like dreams. they are like what I envision a trance induced vision would be like. into his when you give a piece of your heart away. they always have it. and it breathes your breath into the deepest part of their truth...he doesnt call me on the phone...he calls me in his my sleep...when my soul is not held back by my armed guard...

are jets exploding over me. is fire raining down. or reigning down.

these are the days I should be still. quiet. uninterruptus. I should be looking up and out...retiring the superfluous bricks that lay in front of me feet...there arent any wars really...just a need to defend...

sonic booms. three.

birds falling from the sky. three.

"when first I saw you I hardened my heart for fear of my ruin...."

what roads would you have me take. where is it that you would like for me to go. where is my home. am I the final incarnation? god is wrapping up. time is bent and fast. spinning like angry planets...we are spinning..surrounded by moons and harbouring volcanoes..there we go..around the sun. where its warm. we just want to be warm.

its a good day for writing or painting. not for working. wonder if I can get out of that latter bit.

bouncy. not today. I feel wide and dark.

like a cold irish lake.

"color the the water of the deep blue sea..."

get outside today. breathe in the air. look up and see the sky that covers you and covers me...Ill think of you...


11:19 a.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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