Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

life is but a dream within a dream...

i dreamt last night that my father was awakened by me closing a door...and he lunged after me to kill me.

I also dreamt of a man named J that wasnt the JL I always blather on about. He was very easy going...he called me up and said..."jen I need to see you..we need to talk" and I didnt know him. but I went with it because I had no feeling that I shouldnt. we ended up in some strange place.....standing in line...and people were being name and location... but everything seemed fine. He just talked and we stood side by side in our respective lines..very odd. I dont get this one at all. He was very tall and kind of heavey set...he had very nice eyes. He provoked no anxiety. He made me feel completely relaxed.

there was alot of blue in this dream.

Ill look that up


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