Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

tower of babble on

Im really tired. work was rough today. lots of angry monsters. Im shaking my head. I failed today. Ive been a hypocrite since I first touched this keyboard this morning. How seriously do I take my relationship to god? honestly. Im feeling so alone today. no big deal. not really. just too tired to ruminate on so many things Ive thought of....but here goes anyway..

a real love that fills your heart compels you to want to give to the other person...keep that in mind...I think thats a good truth...

girlsdontcry is a lovely sweet person that should be hugged daily

the moon is a huge glowing is being bathed by dark mystic clouds...

shouldnt I be out there someplace...changing the world? Ive had this feeling all day...that Ive had it wrong for most of my life...and I feel like Im Learning for the first time.

I am babbeling. good lord.

"christ gives to those who trust him.." I read that today. I had a flash of clarity....its not about what you do/say but how much faith you really have in Love. are you worth it? if everyone else are you.

my soul gasps for air. my heart/will reaches in...opens up the sealed path...

babbel on. babbel on. so if you want it come and get it for crine out know my love for you...there was never a doubt...babylon...-david gray

there was never a doubt....



to all

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