Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Commence Au Fesitval!

Ok its Not Valentines Day. Its Day One of Jen Festival Weekend.

You should be eating chocolate for breakfast. Watching movies. baking cakes. taking walks. listening to your favorite music full tilt. you should be enjoying the presence of You. Forget the rest of the world. Forget It. And besides. I Love You. and really...come on..who loves you more Than Me?? If you just so happen to find a hot stranger passing you all means grab this person..thrill them...demand they thrill you..and then go home...drink some champagne (oh the wanna be ho that I am!)...this is the most fun four days of the year for me...

cuz its all about me. forget the people trying to sell you self esteem. they dont know the half of what you are worth.

Ive made four little cakes for my friends. Im making one for my brother too. My friends C and F gave me a little heart shaped box of Godivas!!! that box will be empty by tonight.

tonight on My Festival Day One Dinner Menu...Eggplant Ravioli...a fine mixed green salad...and warm italian bread...courtesty of La Piazza...:)

Ill raid the fridge and drink that bottle of wine that is ageing beyond perfection...and read my new Lorca.

This is not Valentines Day. Celebrate Me if you have to. Im kidding. By all means my dear dear loves...Celebrate You.

Im off to bake....I Love You all So Much


Jen the Festival Queen

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