Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

And that's....the power of 10

Im having one of those existential days. An existential day by my own definition is probably not what it really means to be existential I just...

moving on.

Ive been living on very little sleep and it has reached the point of sleeping aids. drugs that is. I would greatly prefer a boyfriend or a week at the spa...but...nytol will have to do.

Im craving custard ice cream too. which must mean that Im not getting enough calcium. or something.

how are you? god let's go out...i need to go out.

In Otto's diary...he has 10 statements written to people....the reader however...musn't ever be told who the statements are written for. I think...that I will try this.

1. I think of you everyday to every degree of compassion, passion, and are completely oblivious to this and I hope someday I am able to give as much to you as you give to me Everyday.

2. Your incessant complaining was driving me crazy. You are mean and you act like the whole world owes you. Im so glad that you are gone.

3. I admire you and have more respect for you than you do.

4. I loved you for so long I thought that I would die loving you. Now you are happy and I feel relieved. I don't feel that "thing" inside that I used to. Im free and Im so glad that you are in good hands.

5. I learned more about myself when I was in your arms than I ever took the time to learn about you. Im sorry. I totally let you down.

6. Will you please stop the stupid jokes. they are REally Really Annoying.

7. I think I would drop everything,get on a boat, and spend the rest of my life creating endless sunshine for you.

8. You probably don't realize it...but...there is something about you that feels like family. Like you are my sister..the cool one that got away..and found some sense. Sense wrapped up in heart and laughter. You have no idea how much I admire you and pray for you.

9. I wish you would tell me the truth.

10. Give me 15 minutes alone with you..and your life will never be the same.

That is really cathartic. It's like PostSecret without the art and postage.

Ive gotta run.Im about to pass out.

vacation in june. i may have to come and haunt some of you.

love and peace


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