Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

duh just doesn't cut it

you know it's funny what makes you think of people. My friend Jason and I had gone to see the Secret Machines this year. While we were waiting for the bands to start we were sitting on the floor talking politics,tv,music, stuff...and he said, "its just like caligula" and he must've seen that look in my eye that was saying..."huh?" for he had a look in his eye that said,"she has no clue what I am talking about"

Because. I was sitting there thinking. Caligula. that sounds familiar. Im sure at some point in my life I knew what that was all about but sitting here no. no idea.

so I said,"yeah..its so Caligula" in a very very...what the hell does that mean kind of tone and we just moved on and talked about that tv show House:

J: have you seen that show House?
Me: no...
J:well it's th...
Me: Oh! the one with that guy...he's a Bastard! I love that show!

god it must be torture having conversations with me.But I digress..back to Roman guys.

On my "break" at work today I was reading an article about Bloc Party in a music magazine called devil in the woods or something really really strange (motherfucker is the name of a club in nyc..and the mag had motherfucker in their pages like a zillion times...I had to read the thing). The article was pretty much saying how Huge the band is going to be and how well they have managed themselves personally considering all the Hype that goes into Selling music (they need no hype so I dont get it).

I was reading and enjoying myself when there it was: A reference to Caligula. I don't remember the exact reference (yes i have failed you) but I was immediately drawn back to that cold winter night in charlottesville..that night I sat stumped..ever wandering in sea of ignorance.

So...for my own is the best summation of this once and terrible leader of Rome; Caligula's bizarre behavior demonstrates what can happen when absolute power is combined with a total lack of responsibility and respect for others (see Garrett Fagan's biography for a balanced assessment of Caligula).

We Had To Be Talking about BUSH!

had to be.

so's to Roman bad guys, good music, and guiness.


Peace and Love


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