Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

On this,the occasion,of my 1000th....

I give you, My handbag. My New York and Company handbag that sports a button that says "Revolution is Evolution." so here's to Ms Belle And to Stuart,,who despite feeling ill, still managed to be handsome on the occasion of his 1000th (and first) entry...

There you see the daily life of my objects. My "radio" for communing with employees that are a great distance from me or hiding altogether. My green checkbook,thick black black mascara,pink nailpolish which I believe I have worn Once,my favorite dime store lipgloss,dollar store sunglasses,new york and company wallette,Eclipse breath mints, work keys,palm pilot,cell phone..and yes...the one thing I am never bottle of Deer Park water. that tube of lipstick? That is a special blend made just for the models that work for my company. And its Amazing Stuff! It never comes off and it doesn't dry out your lips and really..its great with a sheer lipgloss over it. the pen is a great little pen that I got while i was in Ohio last year. I know its not really exciting or romantic. but neither am i.(actually I am at least a bit romantic...) The latest addition to my handbag are two hair style magazines as it is that time again. The Mane is out of control. it must go. Im thinking of posting before and after. We'll see... :) So tell us...what do you carry around with you everyday? Peace Love Be Well Save Animals Today,

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