Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

united we stand divided we fall and Prolix,Prolix,Prolix

Welcome to Monday

I didn't fail to pause and think of 9/11 I just didn't have time to blog about it.

I spent most of my weekend staining molding and ripping up floors and stuff like that. Its always good fun to be around super hyper control freaks that need help; it is the most uncomfortable position that they can be in. There isn't much I could do to comfort them either. I just did the best I could and plowed ahead.



I read an article last night (no morning paper until 11 p.m. last night...) about the families of the 9/11 victims protesting the Freedom Tower's museum showcasing peoples from around the world.

Their arguement and I quote, "maybe elsewhere but not in an American museum." They think that it will "take attention away from the Americans that died"

Am I completely wrong here but wasn't it the WORLD trade center buildings? Weren't there people there from all around the WORLD???? If I remember correctly....Several NATIONS were represented in those offices; thus the name of the building and thus the point of targeting such a place.

I am not all that excited about the building of another super scraper. Personally, I think, that it should be a memorial and it should stay a memorial. Period.

Why aren't they more offended by Commerce being placed above the site of their loved ones death?

I don't know...Im not in their maybe I just don't understand the big picture.



I wish I had the journal I entry I wrote that day. It was scrawled in a notebook that I can't seem to find. It was a strange day from beginning to end. I kept having this bad feeling...I was worried about my step mom..she was in connecticut for a business trip.

I was sitting there drinking green tea...watching Good Morning America..which i Never ever watch. And they interrupted the story or whatever to say that they think they heard a missile hit the building. Then they said no no it was an airplane. Im thinking to myself...oh god...some crazy person just crashed into the building. What is that all about.

Then me,me and the rest of the country, watched in horror as Another plane Hit the Other building.

All of that Rapture,Tribulation,and Armegeddon Indoctrination that I received as a child flooded my senses for just a moment.

I was sort of in shock. Is this what I think it is? Where is my Aunt that lives in Manhattan? Doesn't she work in there? And where is my Uncle..wait...his company is in there...Where is Everyone?

Once I got myself together I called my Grandma that lives in new jersey...everyone was accounted for except my uncle. My aunts were having breakfast not far from the Towers when all of it happened.

I called my dad...."did you hear? did you see? I called Gma...everyone is ok ..but we don't know where A is"

I called my Mom...

And I was on the phone with her when the first building fell. We both cried. It hit like a punch to the gut...the reality that if anyone was left inside...they are dead now. And all the Rescue workers at the bottom.


I spent the next few days glued to the tv. We finally found out..after two days...that my Uncle was asked by his boss to go to the other office. That phone call saved his Life.

My cousin and his girlfriend ( she saw all of it unfold..she was in one of the surrounding buildings) came down here to Va to get away from it. I still get emotional when I think about it.

Now 4 years later it seems that our government only thinks about this event when they need support for their ideas.

One good sign that you have a good leader is that there is unity in your country.

A strong unified people are a formidable foe.

That is something the Terrorists know...that we Don't.


Its funny...Opehlia is off the coast right now and the media is having a joyous time..trying to say things like,"Is Virginia Ready?" REady for what a Tropical Storm?

uhm Yeah.

By the time the storm goes over NC it will be a tropical storm. Now true...some low lying areas will flood...but they flood anyway.

This is not a Category 4..we are not all going to die.

Dear news people...can you market anything besides Fear and Death?

so. enough of my blather.

the day is lovely I hope you get to Enjoy it:)


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