Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

no sit dog no dreams

My dog, who would try to tell you that his life isn't all that great and could he please have something to eat right now,is fast asleep and snoring.

He is 11 years old so not so spry anymore but his tail is wagging in his sleep. he used to bark and whine while he slept but now...his tail wags.

I came to realize today that this dog spends most of his time with me being petted,brushed,snuggled,walked,told how cute he is,told how wonderful he is, and of course getting his belly rubbed.

I seem to have created a Prince of sorts, for now, in his later years, he believes my every waking breath is due him.

And ,well, who am I kidding, he is probably right.

The world has gone crazy. Totally Mad.

so I guess all we have left to do is to be kind,love those near and far,go to the opera (amen Stuart, and indulge those in our care.

love peace and dog dreams

(dog dreams is a great song by the now defunct band The can find it on the net)

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