Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

I wasnt trying to hit on you...damn...bitch..

oh my god what a weird day.

It was about 104 degrees today. My car nor my place of business has A/C as of late. So. Today was sort of Awful.

I think I drank about 120 ounces of water. Im not kidding. On Friday last there was a massive power outtage (thanks Vdot..thanks city of hampton) and our air conditioner (why arent they called Air Coolers?) Literally..Blew UP. Smoke and Everything.

so now we wait. as the corporate red tape manufacturers decide how best to Fix the blown up mass of useless metal.

I was so glad to leave work today.

I did something weird. There was this guy that had been hanging out at the Ntelos kiosk all day. So when I walked passed him and he said.."hey excuse me..." I just kept walking. It turns out I dont have any manners. There are alot of Vendors in the mall. Lots. And I usually say No Thanks and Buh Bye and they back off. This dude? No. He starts running after me. And I told him to bug off.

"Im not hitting on you..Damn...bitch"

Why dont people leave people alone when they so clearly dont want to be bothered by people?

Maybe a simple..."No thanks" would've gotten him off my back but who knows. This is the second time this has ever happened was the coca cola card guy..he chased me down....and that guy that wanted to get under my umbrella....that really freaked me out. Some random person getting under my umbrella...I was like...what the hell I dont know you..get wet. Well. I didnt say that. But I was thinking it.

and he knew it.

Im hopeless.

And then Im trying to leave a comment on Stuart's, diary...and ..blast..if dland not there..and I left it again. His diary is really worth reading all the make sure you take the time to read it morning...

11:48 p.m. 12 more minutes to go...

Pass the Iced Tea and let this day fade to oblivion. Im wearing my idiot hat and Its bugging the garbage out of me.

Love and Peace


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