Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

vacation ends and I wax poetic

sometimes I think i know who i am and then when im awake all night I realize im not comprised of everything that is I sometimes think. And I am...only hoping...that those that Ive hurt or slighted in my lifetime have forgotten about me...or are stronger people than me.

sometimes i think I might collapse underneath the weight of my own loneliness. othertimes I think...that it suites me better than any other outfit Ive ever tried to wear.

Then I think...Im too freaking old to be this.....guilty of shortsightedness and selfishness.

Ive only slept 3 hours between last night and today. C and I had a great dinner...for some reason it was a hot night to be out at mexican eateries...the two really good ones were packed.

but it was a good night. we played chess..which i havent played IN YEARS.
that was just embarassing.

but anyway. Im exhausted and I have to get ready for work.

love thyself and everyone else...with a mature forgiving smiling heart...


11:19 a.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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