Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy


I feel funky. Yesterday I went to see white noise..Great Movie! When I got home Clause that lives across the street told me that our nieghbor around the block murdered his wife and left her in the big dumpster...that is also around the block from me.

Talk about Creeped OUT. I pass that dumpster everyday. I have said hello to those folks. shudders.

The thing that worries me is that this fellow accused of the murder has alzheimers...and I wonder if he isnt being framed by his children. I dont know. I watch I might just have a polluted thought process happening.

tv will do that to you.

Unless you like to watch Frontline on pbs. I had to drink a glass of wine last night just to get through an epidsode on Rumsfeld.

I wanted to break alot of things by the end of that show.

so anyway...C has asked me out to dinner tonight as a post birthday celebration and I cant wait. I dont even know where we are going.

Its my final day off from work for god knows how this will be a highly drenched in martinis kind of night.

Everyone be well

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