Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

sorrow is the alchemist of hunger; turning suffering into love

First there's this thing that I read...
thanks to rob breszny

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Happy Valentine Daze, Scorpio! The three
love offerings I have might be a challenge for you to receive in the
generous spirit with which I'm giving them. Nevertheless, the
omens suggest this is one of those rare times when you can truly
from their bracing advice. So here are my gifts, starting with an
from author Zora Neale Hurston: "Love makes your soul crawl out from
hiding place." Your second oracle comes from writer James Baldwin:
takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot
live within." My third offering is from novelist Iris Murdoch: "Love
is the
difficult realization that something other than oneself is real."

Im not a scorpio in fact...Im an Aquarius...but I liked this one..its very very nice. And true.

after I read that..i read an entry a very dear friend of mine wrote. estrella6 is a lovely girl.

no matter what your situation is at this time of Hallmarkapalooza...remember the fortunes of love that abound in this dark dark world.

take note of your tragedies with the understanding that they are as much a gift as a curse. who are you without them? wealthy? better looking? not single?

You wouldnt be the amazing and strong person that you are now. sometimes we crawl through life...sometimes we run.

sometimes we stand still with our hands shaking and our stomach in knots.

The voices out there want to tell you that you are worthless without a mate or money or position. or a skinny body.

our lack of compassion and respect for ourselves breaks us down....and we sit before our life hunched and broken when we give in to fear and hopelessness. and our souls, like starving children, are just waiting for us to believe.

Love. what is it? And do you have enough for yourself? would that I could believe in the greatest love ive ever known. somedays I do. otherdays I wonder how it could be that she is up there...or here..watching humanity drownd in ignorance and hate.

or maybe she,like me,keeps believing. keeps hoping..that we will once and for all...believe in love and peace.

Maybe she is waiting to see....if we will ever realize what a gift life is.

you are so beautiful. each and every one of you. take this entry as my official hug and box of chocolates and free plasma screen television sets and a week long trip to italy and a newspaper that says "Bush Impeached Because He Is a Big Jerk!"

sigh......yes..yes...I really do Love you


everyone be well

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