Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Live Antics

good news: the Norfolk Admirals are the NUMBER ONE TEAM IN THE AHL!!!!

bad news: NO.Freaking.N.H.L this Year.

good news: Interpol at the Norva! Interpol at the Norva!!!!

bad news: well..bummer news...Q and Not U drop off the tour just before getting to norfolk.

good news: bath and body works has solved my horrible dry lip problem...its called Tutti Dolci creme brulee lip gloss.

bad news: its $5 a tube.

good news/bad news: i bought it anyway.

I am working all weekend so the rest of you try and have some fun

love peace and grease

12:49 a.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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