Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Where's my flask or Phones are for calling people..

this is like...

I have a life hangover. :) I managed to buy nothing on buy nothing day. and I managed to squeeze a couple Cosmos into the mix this weekend as well.

the second cosmo resulted in TC and I having a conversation about my broken cell phone that I won't bother to recount but suffice to say...we closed the place and the laughter inspired the wait staff to join in.

"poor battered cell phone...."

I wish you were was one of those moments.

I have slept most of my sunday away but Im not really feeling badly about that. I could be reading or wrapping presents but...nahhhh...why bother. Its lovely outside...the windows are open and the breeze is good.

Life is good today. Oh yeah and i have a new cell phone...but I think i made a mistake and got the wrong one. I just wanted a tri-mode phone and the only tri-mode that they had In the store was a camera got it. I was in and out of there in like 10 minutes. Im always Ms.HastyPants...its stupid. My camera phone doesnt have a flash! Its going to take lousy pictures!!

guhhhhh. oh well. Its ok. Phones are for Calling People. But I can take your picture if I want to :). Even if it is a fuzzy lightless one....:).

How was my thanksgiving? How is Any family gathering of mine??? filled with strife and bullshit. :) Its Tradition you know....!!!!! the food was good...great food...and sometimes in life...thats enough.

One amazing perk of the day? My step cousin has had a baby and I got to hold Samantha Beth all day thursday. That Was Awesome! That just made my day especially considering that my niece was missing in action.

So in a nutshell....Im fine. The weekend ...I survived it. And say Cheesey. :)

Love and Peace


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