Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

No Exit

I just don't feel like it. I mean. I have no pent up rants. I don't have anything to tell you that really matters. Im not sad. Im not Exuberant. Im just.too busy to be much of anything lately. Ive been flirting with the Fed Ex guy. yeah. thats my life. But. Im ok with my life at the moment. because I really feel like Im breaking free....from old uniforms. I trust I don't need to elaborate.

I had a dream last night.....of know how you dust your hands off the other??? One hand facing up the other gracefully sliding over the palm of the other......and dust and dirt were flying off of these hands. Goodbye.

Good bye is all I could think of. So I guess that does make me feel...Lighter. Im glad to say good bye to the dust...dust is,after all, just the remnants of movement.

Movement long forgotten. Movement that bounces like atoms in the static electricity of our history.

I don't want to fill my entry with empty promises to myself. I know what I need. I know what I am capable of. I know what I want.

well. I know I want a peacefull life..a quiet life..where everything is under control.

its good to have dreams isn't it? :)

I had another dream too..but..I will save it for another time.

I have to get to work.

Be well People
Keep your chins up


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