Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Length of love

Today was just a weird day. filled with amazingly starteling news about some money I will be receiving from the state that I didnt even realize I was owed (THANK YOU GOD) which will help me and my mother; add to that the confirmation that I am getting Three days away from Va not just two and that I am staying at a nice hotel with a big bathtup and really cool soaps.

I met an elderly woman named virginia that was being 'cared' for by two very young inattentive women. I kept trying to make her smile but instead...she shivered and looked up at me with a pleading in her seemed like she was trying to tell me something..but couldn't get it out.

my heart breakes when Im around elderly people. it just breaks. Tears always find their will....when older folks are around.

its a weakness ive had since I was a child.

so..I get home...after having a rollercoaster ride at the emotional wave park...when I read JL's blog to find out that...

Interpol. and Secret Machines. are going to be. at. the.930.

pardon me while I burst Into Flames....I asked for my vacation a Week After That. so I dont know If I can go. But God Almighty.


I love both of these bands and seeing Interpol again would just be too much. I cant even tell you How Good They Were Last Year! It was maximum happiness.

but. I feel like ive collected alot of good karma I shouldn't be greedy.


I shouldn't Want This Too.

nuh uh.

its a luxury. and the pixies are coming.

so. Yeah. like. Im totally going to try to see Interpol again.


we'll see

I need a black dress...anyone have one?

Love and Peace

1:15 a.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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