Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

I am willing to sit here if you are willing to sit here

I want to move to san francisco and work at McSweeney's, seriously. its the ultimate bookstore-alt-educational hangout-program-thing-for-youth-groovy-place.

really. I think I just think Dave Eggers is hot.

He's so Tall.

I popped in the bookstore yesterday to find This, and sat in the comfy chair...and laughed and let the tension of the day melt into the pages.

next week. it will be mine :)

what I thought when I woke up this morning:

If the world were an atom. I'd be the neutron.

coming attractions:

more coming later...about Columbian Drug Mules and Documentaries that never tell you how things end up....its so very ..Indie...


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