Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

blah blah blah blah blah blah

It is allready 10 am on saturday and my Friday was a bust.

I had all kinds of ideas about what I wanted to do...and ended up feeling like ....well..just feeling sick and pained and awful.

so. I never made it to the movies nor did I make it to Tuscany. I ended up in Bed All Day.

Sleeping on and off. I never did this. even as a teenager. I never slept all day. This has happened twice this year...that I can recall. But I guess if I needed it. I needed it.

The weather has been so only if it were Cold out there. But its not. Its the Congo out there.

We had some storms yesterday....the humidity which followed was thick as fog. It was horror movie fog.

I got up off my bottom around 9pm and mosied (mozzeeed?) onward to the store where I stocked up on carbohydrates,a six pack of newcastle,and alot of chocolate.

I was able to drink one beer before I got hammered and passed out in sleep.

Which really sucks. I mean. One Beer??? I've returned to One Beer status???

Don't worry Im not completely regressing. My little beer and carb fest barely lasted. and today its back to salads and water.


I'm so stressed out right now. If you recall...I mentioned a while back that I got some bad news in the mail. Well without going into is financial bad news. and not..I shouldn't be so mellow dramatic. Its just...I will probably just have to take on more work (egads damnit) to expedite the resolution.

being vague makes it sound worse doesn't it?

Its all ok. really. I just need more money and that means working two jobs which Ive done should only take me a few months to get it all just that.

I feel better allready.

Ok Im done whining.

Love and Peace


10:07 a.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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