Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy


Cycles. Evil Walmart. Schism in the Fourth Wall. And. Endings.

Cycles: How do you stop them. When is it alright to stop. How obligated am I. No matter how many times I give people the benefit of the doubt. they still take advantage. How do I. In a culture based on Artifice...Be a Real piece of Imperfection. Does everyone end up fighting for their side of the story? I keep building the Same fucking house for myself to live in. Here is needn't strain yourself. Its a house built on a freezing island. oh meh. I have no guts. I feel Obligated. Everywhere I go.

Evil Walmart: Well that just goes without saying doesn't it?

Schism in the Fourth Wall: That is a theatrical term if you didn't know...the 4th wall is...that thin..invisible space between You the actor and that audience out there...that cannot exist...but does. You a real room has 4 walls.

I spoke briefly tonight with JL about his trip to Guatemala. And during the course of it...Schism in the fourth wall is what I thought of. He said...and it was really cool...about how many people on the trip kept saying how Blessed we are in America...yet that blessing is supported...provided by the oppression of others...

What can we do? What can I do? What do we do?

If suffering is God's choice. And if Humanity Can never seem to ....Resolve...anything...

Will the seed planted in the hearts of those people that walk the mean poor streets in america or abroad....will that seed ever grow to anything profound make lives better??

Can Hope and Action...change the course of Humanity???

We lose the right to worship God when we deny the Humanity in others.

-Abraham Joshua Heschel


Endings: Endings are only as happy as you make them. sometimes its not the End of the World if something Ends.

Everyone be well

If you like Noam Chomsky...he has a blog called Turning the Tide,


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