Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

and they rally round the family....


Conversation with the Ruler of His Corolla Tuesday afternoon:

Scott:'re buying a Rage cd?

Me: yeah

Scott: Pocket full of shells!!! I recognize their musicianship but...I hate Zach...

Me: well they aren't for everyone.

Conversation with The Ruler of Her Suzuki Sidekick on Wednesday Morning:

Shauna: listen to Rage?

Me: yeah...I love them!

Shauna: Pocket full of shells!!! Why are they so angry? Their music makes me nervous. And what is a pocket full of shells anyway?

Me: (laughing) could you sing that one more time?

Shauna: Pocket Full of SShhhellls!

Me: thanks....

Every official that come in

Cripples us leaves us maimed

Silent and tamed

And with our flesh and bones

He builds his homes

-RATM War within a breath


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