Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Everyone knows that the goalie wins the game

good happy wednesday folks

Random Underdeveloped thoughts:

1. Sometimes my car sounds like a jet...sometimes she kicks ass on the road like one...let it be known that little ford escorts have dreams too.

2. Yay for Tampa Bay (even though I wanted the Leafs to win this year) I miss going to sporting events so much its killing me. I was just reading JL's blog...and it hit me that I haven't been to any kind of game in like...2 years. It's really wrong considering there is a Hockey team here. I should be ashamed.

3. Claritin non drowsy over the counter is the best stuff ever invented.

I have 30 minutes to get ready for work and to have some sort of breakfast so off with me...

Everyone be Well

Love and Peace

The Imaginary Goalie

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