Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Here is what happens when you lose your Balance and Fall to the Ground

I'm in such a weird mood.

If I say one more time that I feel sort of discombobulated....

maybe I will level out.

It's just like me to find companionship and long for my quiet wilderness.

I am hopeless.


According to this Horrid book I picked Introvert is Locked-up like a coma patient.

No. we just don't feel all that comfortable with the external world...we find it just a bit...too loud...and what is with all the noise? There isn't much being said..really...if you haven't noticed.

May as well be quiet and listen...

:) im going now..I have heeps of things to do (or is it Heaps?).

I picked up some not so lovely smelling lotion yesterday...on smells like Bug to the shops to return that and maybe I will buy some nailpolish....

I never wear the stuff. its pointless. I don't really like how it looks on me.

C and I are going to see Starlite Express tonight. Im sort of cynical..I mean..they are on Rollerskates for god's sake. But hey. Its a night out and its Theater. So Im Happy!

and yeah. I bought a dress.


I want those green converse all stars i saw in the window yesterday :)

ok. Im going.

Love and Peace to all


Jennifer Lyn

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