Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy


well hi there

it is precisely 11:52 pm on tuesday.

Ive been playing dodge ball with some things lately. I need to stop doing that. I'm losing my focus.

speaking of perspective...

read This, it's really incredible...and keep reading...this is real.

Everyday I am thrown into the world of the American Poor. My mother being someone that is extremely emotionally and mentally distressed....yet she is doing ok...ok by Rwandan standards but not so Hot by American standards. She gets $95 a month from social services. She gets $50 in food stamps. And nothing else. now if you are saying to yourself...that she could get a job? trust me. she can't. She would implode and be sent to a mental hospital. And the worst thing is? She has no clue of this...not really. But I do thank God that she has had so many people pitch in to help her recently because I didn't know how I was going to do it.

There is a stigma to being poor and/or ill in this culture..and that makes her even more sensitive and chaotic.

S called. I used to work with her. She...she was left in the street by her mother and father when she was four. she is also mentally and emotionally well as..moderately learning disabled. She calls when she can't make rent or her electric bill. She has breakdowns and she loses just about every job she gets....

I want a van. A van I can drive to pick up people i see walking to work. I want a big house. So everyone that needs help can just come and relax. not worry. not feel so alone.

I want to be that person. I feel like Ive had my head up my ass lately. Because all Ive really been doing is working and hanging out with C.

which. is nice. but....

I was thinking about becoming a Mediator.

I think that would be a great job...helping people bridge the gaps so to speak.

Or a Lawyer for the indigent. that would be good endless work.

I know Ive been through a gazillion ideas.

either way....I have to ask myself i fighting the good fight...or am I hiding under a blanket of addiction...hiding being the addiction...


Im currently reading The Introvert Advantage by Marti Olsen

and Im currently listening to and old favorite...Chicane...

Everyone Be Well

Cast some sunshine on those around you

Love and Peace

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