Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

I Love Eddie Izzard and William Safire

Hi...good morning...sleeping in so Rules!!!

its 9:42 a.m....Im watching Eddie Izzard on Arts in The Morning on A&E...Im watching my salada green tea steam...and Im just so glad to be home. I woke up in a panic...trying to remember what time I had to go in to work...Happy Remembering...Im off today..:)

I was just perusing the ny times online and I noticed that my favorite feature is missing...William Safire's On Language...that makes me kind of sad...I like William...he is one of the reasons I read the new york times on Sunday..its the first thing I read...I hope he is ok. know...Im going back to bed...:) Since Im completely out of things to write about... Here is a good blog,.. it is filled with depth and humor and the best links ever along the right side...check it out say nice :) 9:42 a.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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