Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy


Listening to a string quartet play Radiohead's music is putting me in a trance...and I watched Signs again...Im so totally addicted.

Ive completely wasted so much time today. And I just realized I need to get my car inspected. oh man...oh this to myself every year. I just totally forget.

Ive been offered a job at a bookstore...Im not sure how I feel about that...Im not sure If moving over to another retail hell situation is what I need...we'll see..I'll keep you posted...they had better be prepared to pay me handsomely..otherwise the point is mute.

I ate 4 hours ago. should I be as hungry as I am?

If I were living the life I dream of I'd be writing an entry like this:

5 am and out the door to run a few miles. I get interrupted by mrs.wailing down the street..she is quiet..but looking for some conversation. Conversation with an 83 year old woman at 5 am is hardly something I ever thought I'd want to do...but It was perfect. With husband away in France and the little ones enjoying (maybe?) summer camp...and those thoughts...those flashes of images. of futures. Maybe she will have an answer.

But of course ....the only answers are the questions..and the answers are...what is your hunger..what is your see...

to what?


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