Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

the God entry or Psalm 4:1

Im reading The Fifth Mountain by Paulo's about Elijah. I like Elijah...and I really like the way he is presented in this book.

There he stands hiding in a barn with The Levite...hiding from the pheonicians that are in the midst of their version of The Crusades:Worship Baal or Die.

Elijah is afraid..but not in the least bit mournful for the saying the words an angel told him to say. He wonders why..if he was so God delivering him up to his easily.

The Levite: "God is God..he did not tell Moses whether he was good or evil; he simply said: I am. He is everything that exists under the sun-the lightning bolt that destroys a house and the hand of the man that rebuilds it."

Elijah: "I admire your faith."

The Levite:"Do not admire, and do not believe so much; it was a wager I made with myself. I have wagered that God exists. In actuality...the only concrete thing I have is my wager: I have told myself that everything comes from the Most High.."

I really like this book. I do believe that this is a universe set in motion...set in is almost like a parent watching their children play in the playground...and only interfering...when it is leave.

I don't like to talk much about my faith because I feel I make a dreadful example of what it is to Believe. and because it is a heated idea...mention God or Christ and people stop listening.

what is eternity worth anyway...if you can't know Love now. I hope, if nothing else you all see, that mercy and grace are what we all need. We need to receive it. We need to give it.

I have been kneeling down to pray since I was a year old. I was raised to kneel down on thinly carpeted floors at wooden altar lined with weeping women. There was something very powerful about holding someone's hand as they grieved before God...something that I will never be able to shake.

Sometimes...I bring your names..known and that same altar...which, now, is that tiny space between my tv and my bedroom window...

It is my wager...that he/she/whatever..will see and hear. And recognize your particular agonies.

And fill your hearts with joy.


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