Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

unwavering summer

so tired. so unbelievably tired. so completely uninspired. I am completely off the job for the day. I have no idea where to begin. Sleep? Laundry? The peninsula fine arts center? wash my car? It is only 9:16 a.m. so I have plenty of time to do all of that.

The past few nights have been so lovely. They have that scent that feel that tactile humidity so indicative of a true summer night. I haven't even wanted to turn up my tunes on my way home at night....I drive slowly...with the windows open...what a peaceful time.

the summers here are Heavy. Heavy Heavy Air. And it makes me feel ....I miss having time to just hang out with people. I miss sitting on K's porch...while she grills...I miss catching up...I miss watching her son run around and chase Fireflies. We are both so busy now it is rediculous.

And we are different. And she is practically married.

Summer you make me want to bloom...

and melt...


9:16 a.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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