Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

take me by the hand take me somewhere new2

Ive just experimented with one of those eyeliner pen things...I have thick black cat eyes now...joyous

completely off the subject though is this...I have decided Im going to support this fellow, for president...Ralph Nadar has endorsed him and Ive looked over his activities (ie..what he has voted for and against) so far nothing horrible has turned up. We will see. It kills me that women are still so absent from this office....when will that Ever change?

Either way...I plan on making sure that Bush is OUT FOR GOOD...jeez what a mess he has made. And you know he is not alone in that...Im not a Clinton fan either...I think Nafta was an awful idea and Im sorry he ever got his grimy hands on it. Anyway....Ms.Thompson of the EPA is Fiiiinally stepping down....Ive been sending her letters for 2.5 years now..not once..did I even get a computer generated middle finger in response...meh...she is outta here..thank goodness!

I get letters from John Warner All the time. His people are cool about sending letter detailing every aspect of every amendment,bill,attatchment and well you name it...they write me about it..and I love it! they are probably so sick of me by now.

That reminds me of a letter I received last week from Jo Ann Davis about an ammendment to the Family Leave Act; I received an Action Alert from MoveOn.Org about this ammendment stating that the government was going to try to deny workers be paid for overtime. Of course I jumped on that. Sent My Angry letter. And she responded back explaining what the ammendment really entailed;If this were to pass (it has been shelved for now) it would offer workers the Choice between overtime pay or conversion of those hours into actual time off. Ask anyone with a family what they would rather have more of...believe it or isn't always money...sometimes...its Time. so I think This is a great idea!!!! Im disappointed in dare they become common lobbyists...and only give me the hysterical dare I not do my own research before I send my letters.

let that be a lesson to me. for sure.

I should run for city council. I would abolish commercialization of small lots of property. I would only let trees and flowers be planted. And maybe put in benches and little ponds. And I'd let people with a penchant for there. who could save some habitat and make people happy.

I also think there should be a cap on how many children americans should have. I really do. I think we should start taking a serious look at the everything really...Imagine giving the babies that Are born..a better planet to live on...

I say that...and think only of Nature taking her last breath. And won't it all seem so futile...when the Sun finally takes the dive into Nova.

I really really wasn't trying to be morbid there...OK

enough for now...


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