Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

mojo pin

It's been great so sunday...really great. I slept. Finally! I slept for 8 hours! Bliss I tell you! My niece and I had chocolate chip waffles for breakfast and played is still overcast..but a beautiful day...Zero Humidity. And seastreet is almost being the eastcoast. Here being only 8 hours away from me. So is even more possible...that I could be walking through a new york city record store,clumsily drop my vinyl treasures,look up and say..."don't freak out..but I know You..sort of.." Anyway...:)Send him some good vibes as he starts his new adventures...

i do have to work for 8 hours today. Inventory. Its not so bad. 4 to midnight. And the beauty one is allowed to talk. EVeryone Has To Be Quiet. :) It goes by alot quicker and I want to be done sooner than later...I have to open on monday.

I have laundry to do and I need to get TB a present. She quit a week ago but is helping us out with inventory because two people in high places told her they would mark her as non-rehirable (sp?) if she didn't. Nice Huh? Im sort of hoping she bails in protest...that would be Marvellous.

down with corporate greed!

Or something like that :)

love peace safe travels happy smiles and hugs to all

blissfull me

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