Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

why I support national health care

so. today. for the first time in i dont know when. i called into work.

so. today. as Im awaiting to see the dr because in my mind im Dieing..the ho says..."we have a problem with your insurance..."

so. I say. thats freaking impossible. ok. I didnt say Freaking. I just stared at her...and said..."ok. what is the problem..."

so for 45 minutes I was on the phone with my ins company...whilst other patients went ahead. Ive had to reschedule. I have a fever. I cant eat. Im nauseaus. I hate this.

the "problem" with my ins is that the Ho and her fellow Ho-s dont know how to File a bloody copy of an Ins card.

ho ho ho.

I want god to bless them with better skills. I was treated horribly.

Im in my car in tears on the way home. thinking. god. Im going to drop dead.

in my car.

so. for the first time in I dont know when. I callled in sick. and they were bitches about it.

"give me love over love over this...."

Ill be fine.

Im sure.


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