Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

you will sleep as the cheshire cat sleeps


snow goddess melts in order to create a place of warmth. she becomes the ocean...her voice is heard in the moving tide.

dream #2: End of the world...not a new genre but a new environment. A sort of internment camp for the about to be killed. it was strange because we were all grabbing our toothbrushes and our cellphones...and this female guard said,"why would you need any of this when soon you will be sleeping as the cheshire cat sleeps?" Im just trying to remember my alice in wonderland lore...cant remember How the cheshire cat slept...

dream #3: I was adopted by baptists. It was really weird. Usually the color scheme of my dreams is very muted/earthy/dark tones. this dream started very bright. there were hundreds of children being taken in by this couple. Everything was very sunny...the children were all dark skinned..their shirts were in pastel pinks and blues..the look on their faces was of utter confusion. Everyone had to choose a trade..I was put on the construction site...I was looking around to see what job I could just slip into without having to ask for help...and I couldn't get up the courage to talk to anyone. Oh I forgot...I arrived to this place via the train. So. I made may way back to my room...which again was very bright..and there were notes,letter,cards,pictures all saying how loved I was by everyone and a fat roll of money. I grabbed for my suitcase,which,convieniently was under my bed (very movie-ish), and somehow made my way back to the trainstation...where it was dark..cold..rainy. I had no money. I had nowhere to go. Im still trying to sort out the subtext of this dream.

have a groovy day


7:22 a.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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