Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

sometimes the love you need is in the mail box

oh for shame on me for being such a mellow dramatic whiner today. god. someone should just tell me to shut up when Im like that.

sometimes the love you need is waiting for you in the mailbox. jezolina I think you saved me today. I cant thank you enough. And TB..for giving me a book. does life get any better? bank statement..bills cleared and I still have some deniro in the bank. girlsdontcy you continue to make me smile and feel very loved...cheers...

I am grateful for all of you..the lovely of the loveliest for being so sweet to me.

I still wish someone was here. I still need someone to crawl up onto the couch with. someone who thinks Im more important than what is on tv. Ill get over this need. Need. it will go away.

so onward.

thats all for now. Im off tomorrow which means Ill be up late. which means Ill be updating again..I think...

love and peace

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