Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Rainman of Connect Four

Tonight I wanted to give up. Tonight I wanted to get in my impared vehicle and just drive as far as my lack luster bank account would get me.

but i didnt.someone at work threatened me with spells today. yes. witches' spells. she is an athiest. but she believes in spiritual rituals like spells. and oh yeah. there was a bomb threat.

oh please..let me ignite it...Let Me ignite It!

I dont like mean people. I hate it when I look up and everything looks cruel. even headlights. I need a little tenderness. Im starting to understand more of what supercilious and I have been talking about...I can say it better I think...

I need ..we all need..that one place in this life..where we can give and receive........because the rest of the world, in relation to us, is mostly greedy...heartless...full of threat...sigh...sometimes its hard to see the light Thomas Merton saw standing on that street corner..

thomas merton is really cool. I havent talked about him in a long time. read seven storey will blow your mind.

52nd fact about me:

52. I cant sleep..I have to be so worn out that I cant stand up. I literally fall into sleep.

53rd fact about me:

53. blow your mind is a fave phrase of mine

the world grows smaller and I cant tell you what a comfort it is to me. to think how far you are but you dont feel far you feel close by.

Im going book shopping with my bro D tomorrow. excellent.

I Love All of You

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