Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

"to be a ring bearer is to be alone..."

I am,as i write,listening to my niece play barbies. its sunny out..lovely..beautiful..for now..soon it will be storming and 30 degrees...

I fell asleep watching Lord of the Rings. this is crucial because of the dream I had. I was at work yesterday thinking how blissfully long its been since I had a Vision of JL. But. alas. that was just pre-cognition. It was one of those dreams where I kept waking in the dream only to fall asleep again and dream again..each time trying to recount the symbols and the details. Only to be at a loss for them now. I remember somehow refusal was there..I dont really know why but he quietly saunters through my dreamscapes sometimes. The Ring. The band of gold on JL's finger...I kept trying to see..he had on his thumb and one on his wedding finger...and we were going between..concert halls.. a bowling alley. and a police line up.I remember Her face. Her joy. Their kissing. and some guy in a blue and white satin with a thick white stripe on the arms. he had glasses. did you see vanilla sky? maybe he was my tech support? ahahaha..just kidding..the ending..was the best part of that movie..that and the soundtrack.

any niece is getting id better go...

Peace and Love and Sunshine

3:27 p.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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