Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Not really as good since she doesnt read me anymore

Im too tired to even try this. so. I will just list stuff. Utne magazine has put out an arts issue...its pretty are some of the books they recommend...:)oh and btw...januaryfiend they list winnipeg as one of the hottest artsy cities...Lucky You! :)! A Local gallery has just opened up down here. Lots of wooden ducks. lots of Barn paintings. oh. can you sense my overall joy. I ask you. :) So tomorrow is New years eve. the tentative plan is to go clubbing with my brother...his date...and two other couples. and im the designated driver.

i dont think so. id rather stay home and read or something. why doesnt anyone ever want to go to the Symphony for new years eve?? anyway. all i do lately is whine. so here is a list that is far more interesting.

Indie Movies:

Sunshine State-poor people hit the man where it hurts

How I killed my father-rich son is humbled by poor working class dad..they are both doctors

Heavey Metal Parking Lot-judas priest documentary...hahahahaa

Donnie Darko-ok...a reptillian rabbit tells a mentally disturbed 15 year old that the world is ending. sort of naked lunchy. sounds kind of trippy.

Home Movie-4 Rooms only not a hotel

Blackboards-an Iranian film about iranian teachers seeking students in the troubled lands of the middle east.

Blue Vinyl-this one looks a little to "homemade propaganda" to me..its all about the Evils of PVC. they have never been to my Room...thank you very much.


Keeping in mind that Utne is a Green are some reads they listed...

Desert Solitaire-The Desert isnt just for cactus plans and insurance selling lizards...take another peak

Pig Earth- this one is about Europeans' relationship to the land...well that of the farmers anyway...

Dwellers in the Land-"An eloquent argument for a new type of patriotism. rooted in the natural surroundings of where you live..."


so there it is. the list for today...on the music front you may want to check out some chick music...Laura Love,Joyelle McSweeney,and Lila downs.


happy new years eve everyone

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