Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Listening too Josh Rouse...

I live in a dream world. I fill my heart with wishes. dreams are ok. wishes are good. but feet glued to the same behavuoir (god i cant spell at all anymore!)that isnt good. How do I breathe life into my static lungs?

If my life depened ....If Your life depended..on it...I would

from The Owner's Manual for The Brain:

"People who are continually thwarted from goal attainment enter into a kind of Living Inaction....Here are 10 ways to deal with stress.."

1. Escape

2. Exercise

3. Sex

4. Eat and Drink

5. Visualize

6. Laugh

7. Seek Relief

8. Reframe the Stressor

9. Consider Medication

10.Get a Pet (got one)

10 Steps to a healthier brain; I dont know..I just want $5,000. :) I think that would reduce my stress and inaction considerably. I need a new job. I need more financial freedom. I am about 600 bucks away from freeing myself from one debt. Im so bloody excited about that!!!


Im really a mellow Low key quiet person. I am not equated with shock and speed (well unless in relation to ..well you know). I dont really know how I can parlay that into a career. I wish I could find a museum that wants me. I miss the museum so much...and the state budget cuts just slaughtered them again. It used be you would have a staff of 4-7 people in my they are down to 3. My Boss there, SG, is just beside her self. She is such a wonderful person. I miss her so much. sigh.

I live in a dream world. I fill my heart with wishes. Im afraid. Afraid to jump. Afraid to stand still. How Long Will I Deny Myself?

My life is an infant the size of my palm. I keep her wrapped in gauze. I keep her in the safest place I know of. and she cant grow....

I love all of you


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