Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

i watched fire walk with brain is all curved and red with one mysterious block of blue

Sometimes a sober voice is enough to calm the waters and drive away the false witnesses,saying,Look,here are the broken treaties Beauty brought to us earthbound sentinels.

-Kindness by Yusef Komunyakaa


I acknowledge my status as a stranger: Inappropriate clothes,odd habits Out of sync with wasp and wren. I admit I dont know how to sit still or move without purpose. I prefer books to moonlight,statuary to trees.

But this lawn has been leveled for looking,So I kick off my sandals and walk its cool green. Who claims we're mere muscle and fluids? My feet are the primitives here. As for the rest-ah,the air now is a tonic of absence, bearing nothing but news of a breeze.

Reverie in open air -Rita Dove


puddles of infinite wishing.

nay sayers say with thighs like that she will only cook. she will only clean. she will only read romances by the light of a dim dark desk light.

rain falls in her memories.

there are puddles of infinte wishing.

boxes of microscopic pleasures.

compadres say with a body like that he will only dream. he will only hide. he will only gaze at pictures of romancers by the light of a dim dark television set that sits across the room. dusty clouds store thier wares in his heart box.He watches through the window as she stoops to rinse her pride wings in her puddling secret joy self. boxes of infinite pleasures.

Arranged on high voltage cielings. gathered like gods of the new mythical age the dictators of diet disease and fashion malnutrition. seeking news worthy. seeking victims easy. awarded.

rewarded for being sheep.

passing out. filling up. emptying. passing out. flashing bulbs. running secret tellers.

and in the corners. meeting where everything is collected. where everything safe is hidden for a just in case, are boxes of microcasmites,wet from the puddles where pennies were thrown by the believers of the fountain missing. and their bellies touch like magnet dolls kissing.

like infinite...small and forever and millions...pleasures wishing.

jlg 2/23/03


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