Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

This feels Unfinished...


what a tragic difficult week in this world.

21 people die in chicago...from suffocation...from pepper spray admitted by the Enforcers...they were all so young too...

96 (and counting) people die in Rhode such an unspeakable force of horror..swallowing fire..

3 die in an explosion at an Exxon on Staten brother D is a cryogenic engineer...he loads and unloads propane everday...once..he caught someone about to light up a cigar...yes people are that stupid.. what happened here???

1 17 year old girl About to die..4 hours away from me while in the hands of the Doctors from Duke U.

5 elementary grade school children die (in va and nc) of a mysterious upper respitory infection. they literally dropped dead. Thanks to the Local News Makers reporting everday that they have no information but that people shouldn't panic...thousands of parents showed up begging for help from the folks of the Childen's Hospital of the King's Daughters. They had to call in 28 extra Doctors from maryland,dc,and nc just to get started.

Tragedy usually comes in threes.five.five. does that mean one more is waiting? Ive always fallen to examination of this. I am always digging for deeper meaning in everything...its habitual thought process. Ive mentioned this before...but I remember all the shark attacks before 9/11. Everyday. 3 shark attacks. for weeks. all over the country.

This war thing is starting to make me nervous. Everything that happens...all these horrors...feel so much more acute;ever since 9/11..Anything that happens..feels more acute. I wish I was a better writer. I wish I wasnt thinking of what anyone might think about these thoughts and feelings.

I favor life's mysteries. I cant help but wonder what is on the horizon. powerless. Did you ever see the Mothman Prophecies? The thing that stands out to me about that movie is how its pointed out that,although people were given signs,wonders,information,they still misinterpreted them...and were not failsafe in stopping anything from happening. I have to remind myself sometimes that these are not the worst times that have plagued the human race. Every generation has its wars and vile mishaps...

I know people die everyday. I know that there are americans dieing of starvation. I know there are people in hospitals that would get better if someone would come and visit them.

I know I have life and I should just enjoy it.

The Pele Threat Level is Orange. I should avoid writing for the next few days. I want to weep. I want to raise a flag in the middle of a revolutionary crowd. I want to intercept natural law and defy it. I want to rise from my sulfuric tomb.

there is no end where there is no beginning...

btw. I love you.


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