Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

the fierce boy from Vegas and the Artist finds a home

My niece is protesting because Im on the puter so I only have a sec.

supercilious has Pneumonia! my god. And he is pretty much on his own..and I wish I was there so I could at least let him sleep..calm his fever with cold wash cloths..and anything..anything. Another person Whom I cherish deeply,but for reasons of subterfuge,I wont link...but...She knows who she is...has been validated..which in the art the hardest thing in the world to do. She is kicking major ass and we can all say we knew her when....

my niece casually walks by sighs and persuses her books....

anyway. today has been over all a good day. I cant wait until I have great plans of my own to tell you about.



"do you believe that Ill protect you...when the time baby I wont go.." the slackers

8:36 p.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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