Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

..and while the snow falls she gazes into the window on the screen..his name flashes ..away...

ok Im bored. I played in the snow. and then I slept for about 30 minutes and now im bored.

snow is falling in January. this week last year ago.JL. talked to him tonight. wanted to see him. but didnt say so. wanted to kiss him but didnt say so.just said are you.

50 Facts about Jen

1. she waxes poetic alot

2. she remembers a band named the Waxing Poetics

3. she is in love with the idea of love

4. she often forgets about the conflict

5. she is five foot seven..not too shabby

6. brown naturally curly hair

7. hazel eyes

8. J Lo's ass

9. her wrist watches never fit right..because her wrists are too small

10. she has lived in new york,north carolina and virginia

11. overly sentimental

12. fiercly protective

13. afraid

14. very happy that the snow is still falling at such a furious pace

15. thinks this is really sad and its only number 15

16. at the age of 3 years old...whilst on the swing with her mother.. on a rare cloudless day in the mountains of ny, a rainbow appeard in front of them...a rain bow no taller than her at the time...and it lingered for about 10 minutes..

17. I believe in god

18. I dont believe in hate teaching

19. most godly spokespeople are hate teachers

20. Music is my feel good narcotic

21. People are my hopeless addiction

22. I thrive on my own and the creativity of others

23. I had my tonsils taken out when I was 7

24. I had knee surgery for rheumatory arthritis when I was 6

25. I was 4 years old when I decided to be an actress...I was outside in ny..and it was again..a very rare clear day

26. I remember crawling

27. I remember being a baby and being bathed in the sink

28. I hated school

29. I loved the Va School for the Arts

I was a theater major

30. Im 30

31. Its not at all what I expected. Its better.

32. I paint with acrylics and water colors

33. I use only black and white film when I use my camera

34. I rub my feet together when i cant fall asleep

35. Im very shy

36. I value people over things

37. uh

38. I marvel at the wonder of existence

39. I read to learn and to be forgiven

40. Shakespeare is a passion of mine

41. the piano is my instrument of choice...but I no longer have one

42. I once auditioned for a play and was told I didnt get the I created a character...wrote the scene..and got in that play...

43. I laugh outloud

44. I cry pretty easily

45. I know I cant..But I really want the world from it self

46. I think GW is a hate monger and I want him Impeached

47. I dont often feel that others love me as much as I love them even though how would I be here if they didnt...

48. you know more about me than my family does

49. I sabotage my relationships re:#47

50. I say I love you because I need to be loved...and isnt it so nice to hear..

I love you all


ahahaha no work tomorrow!!! and I have plenty of books to read...!!!!

floodtide..thanks..your list was so good you inspired me...Hugs Love Peace

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