Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Phish is here and I almost became a popsicle

Adventures in the life of jen

today as I was out the door on my way to work,I had in coat,a bag of baked cookies for the co-workers to munch on (peanut butter with chocolate kisses on top),my new warm fleece gloves that my cousin got for me for christmas, 'work keys'. on my purse,which held therein,dave eggers' a heartbreaking work of staggering genius (thanks d),my phone,my lipgloss,my pda...and My Car Keys.

I pick up the mail. look up. notice the gray ominousness taking over the once very blue sky and starting to get Cold. I unlock the auto throw in my stuff to the passenger side and its then that the day took a turn. I am a horrible person....stuff...stuff takes over my car. books...papers...notes...bottles of water...take out tea cups...Its horrible. I was leaving early anyway so I had time...time to gather the trophies of my past delights and throw them to the big green 'can of rubbish-land'. still in my hand..were my keys for Work.

I am kind of an air head. I get lost in thought Very Easily. but this quality..will come in handy later. I get everything together...step out of the car.

still oblivious. thinking about work. thinking about afghanistan. thinking about working in afghanistan...who knows. either way. when I got back to the car to OPEN De Doh...I couldnt.

think now. where are my car keys?

yeah. exactly. they are IN The Car.

oh no. I think to myself. Oh shit oh no.

and its precisely then that the warmth officially left the air and the cold officially took over.

I saunter over to the nearest neighbor's place to use the phone. "sure but hurry up im on my way out...." ok. I call work. much laughter ensued.haha. yeah. this is funny. for that one Im not going in. ha ha that.

ok so i did go in but. you know.

I cant find anyone else home. and no one else can come home to let me in. "so I been locked out"

ok. not since I was 15 have I been locked out.

It was precisely 40 degrees out there.

I grabbed some cushions from the deck in the back and literally built myself a shanty. but its all ok really. remember. I get lost in thought really easily.

so instead of freaking out I just watched the little finches compete for branch space with the doves....they are all really polite birds it turns out...they share very nicely. and squirrels...well...they rather have the whole entire tree to themselves.

every now and then I would get so caught up in watching them..I had no idea that I was turning purple from the cold wind.

I would come to...and I could only ponder...that that is what it feels like to be on the street. god. I cant imagine. it. Living that way.

I knew someone someway somehow could help me out. Eventually. I had Hope.

I was out there for about 3 hours. no coat. no gloves. just my tan courds,my black v neck tshirt,and my black boots,huddled under ugly weird lawn furniture cushions. but you was kind of ....really cool.

I had no distractions. no books. no music. no computer (egads!)...and I just Relaxed. and it put me in a great mood.

I felt really dorky.

I am still really cold.

I had fun. dont ask me why. I just had fun.

wish you were there...we could have cuddled...

the second coolest thing is that Phish is here for the next three days which means lots of Phisheads...and they are the funnest drug induced people in the world...I hope they are squatting at the bookstore again this year :)



electric blankets

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