Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

your mom bought me this

So because Im sentimental...because Im a person who doesnt like it when people I care about..even if those people are people I havent met...when these people meet with difficulties..I want to do something..

but its often the case that I can't. All I can really say is that someone was treated viciously. A person that has shown great kindness to me.

Ive been thinking since I discovered what had happened...about what I would say. How I would address this. Because I am and always have been just an observer...

It isnt Ok to ruin lives. Its not graceful or mature to inflict pain on anyone. and I mean anyone. No matter the pain you may have attack the very foundation of someone's it could possibly topple with devestating consequences just isnt right....

Ive been on many sides of many coins so for certain Im not saying that a person that defends themself is unethical/wrong or what have you...But...

god...I just cant articulate. I thought maybe one day my friend would retreat from digital life because Ive always believed he was too good for it...too smart..too talented...but instead he has been Thwarted. All due to the maliciousness of someone's anger. Or maybe I just dont know enough of what is going on...and Im being effusive again...and Im over-reacting again...I dont really

thats all I can say without going into details which arent really any more my buisness than anyone elses'. Its really none of my biz at all...

I just want him to know that I do care...and I see him in full light...and that my life has been enriched by him..and that Im sure he will rise above no other...


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