Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Onsnow meg Meg onsnow

I had the weirdest sequence of dreams last night.

Onsnow is not a word. Onsnow is a dream word. its a word that kept repeating itself in a dream whose details now elude me...I had a really good tan..and long fingers...with gold rings on... I was playing barbies in a gravel driveway someplace in england...and that word...Onsnow just kept repeating itself. maybe i was in Oslo and not England??

Meg. thats the other dream I had. I kept hearing the name Meg over and over. "meg is the one everyone likes..." I dont know any Megs or Megans...very odd.

I woke up at four am recounting all these details so I wouldnt forget them. Onsnow Meg. Puzzles. Brain refuse...




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