Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

and here I am in this digital foreground

Im having a great day. I had coffee and soup with TB. shes really fun and she asserts that when she goes back to California Im going with her and her hubby M. Im all for it. Lets bloody go.

I'll be in the niece zone in about an hour. Prepare child. Prepare. Its arts crafts and cookies tonight! and lots of christmas cds. Yay! Normally I would be mentally preparing Myself for a night of Barbie Hades....but...I cant think of anything more fun..I mean..I

we are going to make frosting covered snoman cookies...really big ones...Yummy!!!

my hair smells like the rain incense I burned this morning. cool.

i want to go into the middle of the universe and with supernatural arms wrap everyone up in them...and just whisper loud enough to be felt by all...i love you..i love you..i love you...

and here I am this digital foreground. :)

i love you all

Peace :)

4:05 p.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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