Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

nobody home

who wants to come to va and see guster with me on tuesday? the tickets are only 13.50. cheap. hey Ill even throw in dinner. taco bell is across the street. Or you know..I would gladly share my Boca burgers :)

The Flaming Lips are here tonight performing at the NorVa. I didnt go alone because that sucks and because JL would be there anyway. which would doubly suck. only because that would make my mind reel. anyway.

I don't really need to see him making out with anyone. no. I really dont.


Carie left a sig in my gb..and I agree with her..I do the same it..she is brilliant. And she is right. the little table is More fun.

you can further read her magnificence by clicking on this link...exhaust

I should be out someplace doing something mindless and laughing alot. or making out. or sauntering the downtown city streets...


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