Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Secks Car

the best vanity plates ive seen in a while I saw today on the way to work:

a really really small hatchback: SecksCar

I was running majorly late for work,I look up, and see: WERSOL8

a good book I heard about on NPR this morning:

The Dante club

did you know that Longfellow was the first to translate Dante..and that it was considered criminal?

I have a headache that is stretching its tallons down my neck and down my back...more jets...flying to Iraq matter how much I avoid the news...its always around me..

I was overwhelmed today by my father and step mother. Ive been needing bookshelves and a new bed for a while but I've just been putting it off...I really want to be debt free within the next few months so moving wont be such a hassle. they are giving me a new desk....bookshelves..and a bed. Pause. Pause. Im still in some kind of shock. it came out of nowhere. I kept thinking..oh god..whats happened? but they are unloading a really big bookshelf they dont need...and god knows I have books stored in my linen closet in my Bathroom (!) cuz I have nowhere else to put its a life saver. Accumulating furniture will make moving more of a challenge will all work out in the end.

I would like to thank them and all those lovely people that kept wishing good Karma would knock on my door. Its here...and Im so unbelievably appreciative.

I have a crush on jon favreau. and I missed my show tonight (six feet under) because I was reading...darn it..I just remembered it was on.

oh well.


Im going to bed now. so. night :)

Love and Peace

10:38 p.m. :: 0reverb, ::
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