Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

God offers to every mind the option between truth and repose, but not both -Emerson

I hate it when I prove how stupid I can be. blahhk. this is a minor problem in this world. I do realize that. but anyway.

my father and I had a discussion yesterday about the Awesome Protesting that occurred over the weekend;he believes that Iraq is behind them. He believes that muslims are going around inciting this anti-government movement in order to destroy the country. He said,and I quote,"I saw it in the sixties!" uhm. my dad was dropping acid and eating hash brownies in the sixties. my parents are nuts.

Id like to be able to sit down with them and have some sort of normal conversation but thats just an impossible dream. I know this is a shared sentiment,therefore,I ask you,what will we be like when we are the old ageing moms and dads? we are way cooler. yeah. we are way way cooler. :)

did my dad take his buspar today? that my friends is the real question.

Well the festival is winding down. its been one of the more quiet FOJ's but thats ok. I dont mind a good snow/ice storm. I dig the power outages and the candles and ...well..its sort of like camping.

and you know..I love to go camping.

Im in real need of some Focus. Im in real need of a reason to go forward. I need Me to be the Reason. Because Im single. Because Im alone. Im all I have.

Im a wealth of ....something...something I havent even seen.

He. whom I compare myself to. He. whom I want attention from so Ill feel apart of his work. He. always has something extraordinary on the horizon. I. never do.

in a book titled Advice to a Young Wife from an Old Mistress,michael drury (a woman) states that we are usually attracted to someone that seems to be the person that we long to be.

I long for his confidence and his discipline. It gets him places. anyway.

I really recommend that book. Its a highly highlighted book in my "kick your own ass" section. no. My shelves arent labled. but wouldnt that be cute?

speaking of shelves. I have too many books. I went through my stuff over the weekend. I tried. oh god. I tried. to maybe give some old books to the library. Oh my god. I couldnt. Could Not. Im a hopeless keeper. I love My Books. And they are All Mine.

I miss my 1803 Hamlet. Within it were notes written by the school mistress that used it. Somewhere someplace it was stolen. Im sort of a vintage book freak. the older the better. and I love it when something is written inside. Unfortunately....tis hard to find a good vintage book store. The best Ive seen in a while is in Chapel Hill NC. which is about 4 or 5 hours away. They have a copy of Peer Gint (which now Im sure Ive mis-spelled) that is $120. oh how I dream of it. :)

"not when people are starving"


so for now I leave you with this bit from Michael Drury:

"Study something, learn something,risk more than you think you can,care about something,become something-love yourself,if in truth,you wish to be loved"

One more thing:

the disaster in the club in chicago is Horribly Sad...I pray for/wish for peace for their families...

peace love

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