Life is the first miracle,Love is the second-marge piercy

Party Girl

my current obsession: party favors for 8 year olds.

why?: My niece's b-day party (on this side of the water) this the dreaded bowling alley.

In the treat bags: my bro d just wanted a yo-yo and some candy.

What is going in the treat bags: Candy necklaces,bubbles,dum-dums,double bubble bubble gum,water guns,gummy worms and oh yeah...a yo yo. :)

maybe...glow in the dark Yo Yos...:). I dont know how to correctly pluralize yo yo. All that grammar I studied in college...and guh...I am completely inept.

a special im very extremely sorry to supercilious for accidentally deleting his other note. Please forgive me!!!!!

It is a quarter to nine o'clock a.m.

Ive had my little bit of coffee. Ive started the laundry. soon I will be hitting the niece mecca (toy store) and then going to work.

seastreet talked about gaming in his entry this morning. Ive always wished i had the intelligence and patience to be a gamer. I just get so....sometimes I have the attention span of a doorknob..meaning..NONE. Gamers used to hit the bookstore where I worked alot. We had a tremendously good gaming section thanks to the two gamers in the store. God. I miss that place. I would've stayed there the rest of my life had they not closed it. anyway. These were some of the most creative people I'd ever met down here. They were very disciplined when it came to their games and the roles they really loved. I am pretty impressed with gamers...I am impressed by anyone that can be dedicated to anything. Im so lazy. I dont know if I'd ever care enough to put all that work into it.

and there my friends lies the absolute truth about me. for the past year and two months...I just sort of fling my arms up and say..."not worth it". Once there was a flame. I let bad relationships squelch it. anyway.

I just remembered I have a conference call in 10 minutes. OH JOY!


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